Each year the Minot Association of Builders awards five honors to its members:
Builder of the Year
Associate of the Year
Citizen of the Year
BEAM Award (Builders Engaging Associate Members)
Dan Feist Extra Mile Award
2022 Builder of the Year:
Stacey Abel
Ready Builders, Inc.
2022 Associate of the Year:
Gooseneck Implement
2022 Dan Feist Extra Mile Award:
Lauri Hopwood
Dacotah Bank
2022 Citizen of the Year:
Scott Burlingame
Independence Inc.
Please nominate a fellow member for one or all of these awards! We have such an incredibly humble group and many feel uncomfortable receiving awards. Take a minute to think about your fellow members and member volunteers that fit these criteria and shine with the support of the Association, or are committed to supporting their fellow members.
Once nominees for Builder and Associate of the Year are determined, MAB will assist in filling out the award application and will offer encouragement to nominees. Past winners are there to help as well.
Access the nomination forms below:
- Builder and Associate of the Year (Any MAB member may nominate.)
- Citizen of the Year and Extra Mile Award (Any MAB member may nominate.)
- BEAM Award (Builders Engaging Associate Members) (Only Associate members may nominate.)
Nominations are due by October 31st, 2023, in order to be judged.
More about the awards:
- Builder and Associate of the Year: these awards have been around since 1980 and are based on work expended in the interest of fellow members, the Association and the community within the past year (Sept. 1, 2022 – August 31, 2023). These members are judged on: member involvement and industry promotion, civic activity, professional accomplishments, local association activity, and state and national association activities.
Recipients of the Builder & Associate of the Year Awards will be chosen by board members and the MAB staff. The award will be presented at the Annual Builders Bash. Local winners go on to represent the MAB for consideration in the North Dakota Association of Builders’, Builder and Associate of the Year Awards selection in November.
- BEAM Award: It stands for “Builders Engaging Associate Members,” and is meant to recognize Builder members who exemplify the motto “It’s good business to do business with a member.” Associate members nominate Builder members for this award. The MAB names a winner on the local level that advances to the state (North Dakota Association of Builders) level, and possibly to the national level with the National Association of Home Builders.
The Builder member nominees will be evaluated on loyalty, ethics, trust, communication, and consideration. The Builder who receives the most nominations will be notified and asked to submit their list of suppliers/trade contractors. MAB staff and the board of directors will make a final decision following submission of the list.
- Citizen of the Year: In choosing the recipient of the MAB Citizen of the Year award, regard is given to the nominee’s significant contribution to the community, the scope of impact the individual’s contribution has had on the local area, and whether or not the nominee is an inspirational role model for the community. This citizen does not necessarily need to be a member of the Minot Association of Builders.
- Dan Feist Extra Mile Award: This award was introduced in 2016. The Extra Mile Award is designed to recognize someone who has made an exceptional contribution to our organization to help MAB carry out its mission.